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W.gif (1178 bytes)elcome to Hawkeye Consulting! Established in 1995, Hawkeye Consulting is a full service Internet site development company. It is our goal to provide our clients with customized web sites that spotlight their product or service in the most economical marketing medium available today! 05305.jpg (27328 bytes)

Ww.gif (1068 bytes)e offer individualized attention - something that is hard to come by, but so important. We take the time to get to know you and your business.  After all, if we understand your goals, we're better able to convey those to your internet audience.

Ww.gif (1068 bytes)ith the Internet's surge in popularity, it is becoming more important for companies not only to have a presence, but to make an impact on today's technologically advanced consumers. Many companies have already realized the cost effective benefits of marketing their products and services on the internet. Your competitors are there - you should be too!  Hawkeye Consulting can help you do just that. Call us today! 

Hawkeye Consulting

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